
في البداية اود ان اشكرك على رغبتك في التعرف علي و اليك بياناتي
اسمي JasonJes, ذكر, وعمري 35 عاما , واود ان تعرف ان جنسيتي من المغرب, وانا اقيم في دولة الامارات, مدينة Stirling, وعن حالتي الاجتماعية فأنا ارمل, اما مؤهلي العلمي فهو ابتدائي

اليك بيانات أخرى عني:

Republican politicians all over the country have repeated the Great Replacement theory A century-old racist theory reentered the political discourse around immigration and has become commonplace on the campaign trail as Republicans hope to retake control of Congress in November.

معلومات عن النصف الاخر الذي ارغب فيه:

Republican politicians all over the country have repeated the Great Replacement theory A century-old racist theory reentered the political discourse around immigration and has become commonplace on the campaign trail as Republicans hope to retake control of Congress in November.


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